Health expenditure and sources of funding, detailed data, 2021

New in the SiStat Database: Health expenditure and sources of funding, detailed data, 2021

Final and detailed data on health expenditure and sources of funding in Slovenia for 2021 are now published in the SiStat Database.

  • 17 November 2023 at 10:30
  • |
  • no status
Data presented in Health expenditure and sources of funding, 2021 on 16 June 2023 are now available as final and at a more detailed level in the SiStat Database. Final data differ from provisional data due to subsequent additional data in the data sources and the validation process performed by Eurostat.

What do the first estimates for 2022 show?

According to the first estimates for last year, current expenditure on health care, i.e. expenditure excluding capital formation, amounted to just over EUR 5.2 billion. The primary sources of funding health care were social security funds (65% of all sources of funding) and household out-of-pocket payments (13%). This was followed by voluntary insurance schemes (12%), central and local government (9%) and corporations and non-profit institutions serving households (1%).
First estimates of current health expenditure (excluding capital formation) by sources of founding, Slovenia, 2022
mio EUR%% of GDP1)
Source of founding – TOTAL2)5,219100.09.1
  Central and local government4829.20.8
  Social security funds3,39565.16.0
  Health insurance institutions63512.21.1
  Corporations and non-profit institutions serving households440.80.1
1) Expenditure for current health expenditure as percentage of GDP is calculated on the basis of the last available data on GDP (Release; 29 September 2023;
2) Some totals do not add up due to rounding.
The first estimates for 2022 have been prepared on the basis of currently available data. More detailed data will be available in May 2024.

Additional explanations are available in the methodological explanations.
When making use of the data and information of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, always add: "Source: SURS". More: Copyright.