Tourist arrivals and overnight stays, September 2023

This September more overnight stays than last year

In tourist accommodation establishments almost 668,000 arrivals and almost 1.6 million overnight stays were generated, which is 8% more than a year ago. The average length of stay was the longest in health (spa) resorts, namely 3.4 nights.

  • 25 October 2023 at 10:30
  • |
  • final data
More domestic and foreign tourists than a year ago

Domestic tourists generated a quarter of all overnight stays. They generated 150,000 arrivals and 405,000 overnight stays, 5% more than in September last year. They spent the most nights in municipalities Piran, Izola and Ankaran.

Foreign tourists generated the majority of tourist arrivals in September, with 518,000 arrivals and almost 1.2 million overnight stays, 9% more than in September last year. One fifth of their overnight stays was generated in municipality Ljubljana, which was also the most visited municipality overall.

The largest share of tourists from Germany

The largest share of foreign overnight stays was generated by tourists from Germany (23% or 267,500 overnight stays), the most in municipality Bovec. A tenth of all overnight stays were generated by tourist from Austria, the most in municipality Piran. They were followed by tourists from Czechia, from the United States and from the United Kingdom.

Compared to last September, the number of overnight stays increased in almost all mentioned countries. The exception were tourist from Germany, where the number of overnight stays decreased by 6%. An increase of almost a quarter was recorded by the tourists from Czechia and from the United States.

Mountain resorts are the most visited

As regards the types of municipalities, the largest share of tourist overnight stays was recorded in mountain resorts (33%) - the most in municipality Bled. They were followed by seaside resorts (22%), health (spa) resorts and Ljubljana (15% each).

Compared to last September, the number of overnight stays increased or stayed the same in all types of municipalities. The number of overnight stays in mountain resorts increased the most, by 12%. In health (spa) municipalities it remained the same as the year before.

Domestic tourists spent the most overnight stays in health (spa) resorts, where the average length of stay was 3.6 nights. Foreign tourists mostly stayed in mountain resorts, where the average length of stay was 2.3 nights.

Hotels are still the most popular

Tourists still generated the largest number of overnight stays in hotels (689,200 or 43% of all overnight stays), followed by private accommodations – rented rooms and dwellings (23%) and camping sites (14%).

Compared to last September, the number of overnight stays increased in all mentioned accommodation facilities: in hotels by 7%, in private accommodations – rented rooms and dwellings by 14% and in camping sites by 5%.

More than 60,000 indivisible units and almost 162,000 permanent bedplaces were available to tourists this September.

In the first nine mounts the number of overnight stays up by 3%

From the beginning of January to the end of September, more than 5.2 million tourist arrivals and more than 13.6 million overnight stays were recorded in Slovenia, which was 3% more than in the same period a year ago.

So far this year, domestic tourists generated more than 3.6 million or 27% and foreign almost 10 million or 73% overnight stays. While domestic tourists generated a 20% fewer overnight stays than last year in this period, foreign generated 16% more.

Tables with the latest data are available in the SiStat Database

Tourist arrivals and overnight stays by key markets from which the tourists come, Slovenia
Tourist arrivalsOvernight stays
Sep 23Jan–Sep 23Sep 23
Sep 22
Jan–Sep 23
Jan–Sep 22
Sep 23Jan–Sep 23Sep 23
Sep 22
Jan–Sep 23
Jan–Sep 22
numbergrowth rate (%)numbergrowth rate (%)
  from Germany108,521647,929-5.82.9267,5201,745,964-5.65.2
  from Austria44,840316,1828.012.0109,640782,4146.812.2
  from Italy33,507394,3336.425.767,248847,5852.124.6
  from Czechia25,126220,24619.012.765,211619,75622.116.7
  from the United States28,401129,91830.932.157,662286,36322.628.6
Tourist arrivals and overnight stays by types of tourist municipalities and tourist accommodation establishments, Slovenia
Tourist arrivalsOvernight stays
Sep 23Jan–Sep 23Sep 23
Sep 22
Jan–Sep 23
Jan–Sep 22
Sep 23Jan–Sep 23Sep 23
Sep 22
Jan–Sep 23
Jan–Sep 22
numbergrowth rate (%)numbergrowth rate (%)
Types of tourist municipalities
  health (spa) resorts71,278707,8280.8-3.2245,5272,470,746-0.4-0.2
  mountain resorts236,7511,727,54717.83.9523,2114,540,46412.23.1
  seaside resorts112,019810,79517.0-1.4344,7222,661,6389.2-0.8
  Ljubljana, the capital116,015884,16916.121.9237,9171,821,6848.117.3
  urban municipalities50,452403,7856.314.094,628846,1213.611.8
  other municipalities81,249646,1378.72.3148,9051,284,7018.9-3.3
Tourist accomm. establishments
  private accommodations – rented rooms, dwellings134,9711,130,94419.27.6365,1703,318,10013.56.4
  camping sites94,773738,9997.5-4.0226,1542,112,5535.5-4.7
  youth hostels28,779220,289-1.210.155,703470,333-3.17.9
  overnight accommodations23,491173,74419.710.548,972393,34113.99.9
Data are not seasonally adjusted.

Additional explanations are available in the methodological explanations.
When making use of the data and information of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, always add: "Source: SURS". More: Copyright.