ICT sector, 2022

Growth in all key economic indicators of the ICT sector

In 2022, enterprises in the ICT sector generated around EUR 742 million more net turnover and EUR 216 million more value added. 

  • 15 September 2023 at 10:30
  • |
  • provisional data
Another successful year for the ICT sector

A developed ICT sector is crucial for the successful digitization of society and the economy. With the production of information and communication technology and the provision of ICT services, it provides the appropriate infrastructure. In 2022, the ICT sector:
  • was comprised of 10,197 active enterprises (7% more than a year earlier),
  • generated EUR 5,799 million net turnover (15% more),
  • generated EUR 2,249 million value added (11% more),
  • employed 34,670 employees and self-employed (6% more).

More than 10,000 active enterprises in the ICT sector

The ICT sector was comprised of 10,179 active enterprises, which is 7% or 651 enterprises more than in 2021. The number of enterprises in this sector has been increasing in recent years. In 2021, their number increased by 5% and in 2020 by 3%.

ICT sector enterprises represented 5.3% of all active enterprises engaged predominantly in market activities (5.1% in 2021).

The majority of ICT sector enterprises was active in activity J62 – Computer programming, consultancy and related activities. Their number surpassed 8,000 and increased by 8% (6% in 2021). The number of enterprises in activity J63.1 – Data processing, hosting and related activities, web portals went up by 4% (8% in 2021).

Net turnover in activity repair of computers and communication equipment up by more than a third

ICT sector enterprises increased net turnover by 15% to around EUR 5,799 million. 87% of the net turnover was generated by enterprises in the ICT service sector, which increased their net turnover by 13% and surpassed EUR 5,000 million (10% more in 2021). The ICT manufacturing sector increased net turnover by 30% (by 20% in 2021).

Enterprises in activity J62 – Computer programming, consultancy and related activities generated 15% more net turnover or around EUR 2,261 million.

Around EUR 868 million of net turnover or EUR 79 million more than in 2021 was generated by enterprises in activity G46.5 – Wholesale of information and communication equipment and around EUR 57 million of net turnover (34% more than in 2021) in activity S95.1 – Repair of computers and communication equipment.

EUR 216 million more value added

ICT sector enterprises generated around EUR 2,242 million of value added, or 11% more than in 2021.

54% of valued added of the ICT sector was generated by enterprises in activity J62 – Computer programming, consultancy and related activities – around EUR 1,200 million or 15% more than in 2021.

Enterprises in activity J61 – Telecommunications generated around EUR 600 million of value added or 18% more than in 2021, when it increased by 4%.

The valued added (apparent labour productivity) of the ICT sector per employee and self-employed was EUR 64,667, which is 4% more than in 2021 (EUR 61,987).

More than 30,000 employees and self-employed in the ICT service sector

The ICT sector employed 34,670 employees and self-employed, which is 6% more than in 2021. In the ICT manufacturing sector, their number increased by 4% and in the ICT service sector by 6%.

In the ICT service sector the number of employees and self-employed increased to 30,315, which was 87% of all employees and self-employed in the ICT sector. Their number went up the most in activity G46.5 – Wholesale of information and communication equipment (by 13%), while in activity J61 – Telecommunications it remained almost the same.

The ICT sector allocated around EUR 1,004 million for wages and salaries, 12% more than in 2021. 59% of those funds were allocated in activity J62 – Computer programming, consultancy and related activities.

Tables with the latest data are available in the SiStat Database.
Net turnover and value added of the ICT sector, Slovenia
Net turnover and value added of the ICT sector, Slovenia
Active enterprises and employees and self-employed in the ICT sector, Slovenia
Active enterprises and employees and self-employed in the ICT sector, Slovenia
According to the OECD definition, the ICT sector comprises enterprises that are engaged in the production or provision of services of information-communication technologies and are registered in the following NACE Rev. 2 activities: ICT manufacturing sector (C26.1 – Manufacture of electronic components and boards, C26.2 – Manufacture of computers and peripheral equipment, C26.3 – Manufacture of communication equipment, C26.4 – Manufacture of consumer electronics, C26.8 – Manufacture of magnetic and optical media), service ICT sector (G46.5 – Wholesale of information and communication equipment, J58.2 – Software publishing, J61 – Telecommunications, J62 – Computer programming, consultancy and related activities, J63.1 – Data processing, hosting and related activities; web portals, S95.1 – Repair of computers and communication equipment).

The source for the ICT sector data is structural business statistics, where form 2021 onwards the entire section K – Financial and insurance services is observed, as well as sections P – Education, Q – Human health and social work activities, R – Art, entertainment and recreation activities and division S96 – Other personal service activities is observed since 2021.

Therefore, from 2021 on data referring to all enterprises that were active predominantly in market activities are no longer comparable with data from previous years.
When making use of the data and information of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, always add: "Source: SURS". More: Copyright.