Prices of energy sources, 2nd quarter 2023

Natural gas and electricity prices for households slightly higher

In the 2nd quarter of 2023, natural gas prices for households increased by 2% and for non-households decreased by 28%. Electricity prices for households went up by 7% and for non-households down by 4%.

  • 5 September 2023 at 10:30
  • |
  • final data
Natural gas and electricity prices for non-household consumers lower

The average natural gas price for household consumers in Slovenia was 0.099 EUR/kWh, while the average natural gas price without value added tax for non-household consumers was 0.060 EUR/kWh. Compared to the previous quarter, the former went up by 2% and the latter went down by 28%. 

The average electricity price for household consumers in Slovenia was 0.194 EUR/kWh, while the average electricity price without value added tax for non-household consumers was 0.216 EUR/kWh. The former was 7% higher and the latter 4% lower than in the previous quarter.

The natural gas and electricity prices were partly affected by the measures taken to mitigate the impact of high energy prices, which temporarily reduced or eliminated certain levies.

In the second half of 2022, electricity prices for households almost a third lower than the EU-27 average

The international comparison of natural gas prices for the second half of 2022 shows that in Slovenia the price with all taxes for household consumers (20–200 GJ or 5,556–55,556 kWh annual consumption) represented 83% of the EU-27 average and for non-household consumers without VAT (10,000–100,000 GJ or 2,777,778–27,777,778 kWh annual consumption) 100% of the EU-27 average.

In the same period the electricity price with all taxes for household consumers (2,500–5,000 kWh annual consumption) represented 69% of the EU-27 average and for non-household consumers without VAT (500–2,000 MWh annual consumption) 94% of the EU-27 average.

The tables with latest data are available in the SiStat Database.

Natural gas prices, Slovenia and EU-27
Natural gas prices, Slovenia and EU-27
Electricity prices, Slovenia and EU-27
Electricity prices, Slovenia and EU-27
Additional explanations are available in the methodological explanations.
When making use of the data and information of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, always add: "Source: SURS". More: Copyright.