Statistics of building permits, March 2023

In the first three months of 2023, fewer building permits issued than a year ago

In the first quarter, 7% fewer building permits were issued than a year ago: for residential buildings 12% fewer and for non-residential buildings 2% fewer. In the same comparison, 5% more dwellings were planned: 11% fewer in one-dwelling buildings and 27% more in two- and more dwelling buildings. 

  • 20 April 2023 at 10:30
  • |
  • provisional data
Fewer building permits issued than a year ago …

In March, 531 building permits were issued, which is 15% fewer than in March 2022. 21% fewer building permits were issued for residential buildings and 11% fewer for non-residential buildings. The total floor area of buildings was a little over 152,000 m2, which is 13% less than a year ago. The floor area of residential buildings was 14% smaller and of non-residential buildings 11% smaller.

… and fewer dwellings planned

By issuing building permits, in March construction of 456 dwellings was planned, which is 16% fewer than in March 2022. 206 dwellings (26% fewer than in March 2022) were planned in one-dwelling buildings, and 245 (67% more) in two- and more dwelling buildings. Five dwellings were planned in non-residential buildings. The average size of dwellings in one-dwelling buildings will be 153 m2 and in two- and more dwelling buildings 86 m2.

Most dwellings to be built in the Koroška statistical region

In March, most dwellings were planned in the Koroška statistical region (24% of all dwellings), followed by Obalno-kraška (17%), and Osrednjeslovenska (15%). In other statistical regions fewer dwellings were planned, the fewest in the Zasavska statistical region, only one.

 Tables with the latest data are available in the SiStat Database.
Floor area of buildings, Slovenia1)
Floor area of buildings, Slovenia<sup>1)</sup>
1) Data for 2023 are provisional.
Planned dwellings by statistical regions, Slovenia, March 2023
Planned dwellings by statistical regions, Slovenia, March 2023
1) Including Goriška, Jugovzhodna Slovenija, Podravska, Pomurska, Posavska, Primorsko-notranjska and Zasavska statistical regions.
Building permits for buildings and planned dwellings, Slovenia, March 2023
BuildingsPlanned dwellings
  residental buildings24291,26245152,614
  non-residental buildings28961,1615315
At the same time with this publication, final data on issued building permits for 2022 are published in the SiStat Database. Final data for 2023 will be published on 20 April 2024.

When making use of the data and information of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, always add: "Source: SURS". More: Copyright.