Upgrade of environmental statistics and accounts, 2020

Residents abroad generated the most emissions in road transport

With an international project, SURS upgraded the residence principle,by environmental accounts, expanded the time series in some environmental accounts, updated the water accounts methodology and prepared data on the use of secondary raw materials. 

  • 25 January 2023 at 10:30
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  • final data
  • Špela Gale, Katja Kalin, Marko Pavlič, Mojca Pogačnik, Metka Pograjc
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  • Data inquiry
Energy taxes represented the largest share of environmental taxes 

In the framework of the ETEA survey, the time series of data was extended for the 2005–2007 period. According to the latest reporting for 2021, energy taxes still accounted for the largest share of environmental taxes (77.1% in 2005 and 82.7% in 2021). They were followed by transport taxes, which represented 15.5% (2005) and 13.5% (2021) of all environmental taxes, while 7.5% in 2005 and 3.8% in 2021 of all environmental taxes were collected with pollution and resource taxes.

CO2 emissions in road, air and water transport of residents abroad higher than emissions of non-residents in Slovenia

The results showed that in 2020, residents abroad used 11,252 TJ of energy, while non-residents in Slovenia used 7,557 TJ of energy. The emissions of the most important greenhouse gas, CO2, amounted to 1.00 million tonnes for residents abroad and 0.65 million tonnes for non-residents in Slovenia. Among all types of transport, for residents abroad, energy use was the highest in road transport (95% or 10,650 TJ), with the share of CO2 emissions amounting to 96% (0.96 million tonnes). On the other hand, among non-residents in Slovenia, energy use was the highest in water transport (60% or 4,526 TJ), with the share of CO2 emissions amounting to 52% or 0.33 million tonnes.

The change in water stocks in 2019 smaller than in 2017

In the field of water accounts, the water supply and use tables were upgraded and extended with a time series back to 2017. Also, a table of water assets accounts for the 2017–2019 period was established. More detailed data can be found on the SURS website as part of the experimental release on water accounts.

Among the reused secondary raw materials, the majority were minerals 

In 2020, 8.09 million tonnes of secondary raw materials and by-products were used in Slovenia: 30% of them were reused directly after the production process and 70% after various waste treatment processes. Of all, the largest amount were minerals (4.9 million tonnes), followed by metals (912,000 tonnes) and slag (632,000 tonnes). Two thirds of all reused secondary raw materials were generated in manufacturing and construction.
Environmental taxes, Slovenia
mio EUR
Energy taxes708.6728.6807.41,200.9
Transport taxes142.3147.0169.4195.4
Pollution taxes50.641.939.524.1
Resource taxes18.216.622.131.0
Energy use and emissions CO2 by residence principle, Slovenia, 2020
Energy useCO2 emissions
Total activities of residents abroad11,252.21,002.4
   fishing vessels-0.0
   road transport10,650.1958.4
   water transport374.327.7
   air transport227.916.3
Total activities of non-residents in Slovenia7,557.4648.0
   road transport3,029.3312.4
   water transport4,526.4335.4
   air transport1.70.1
Other adjustments and statistical differences (+/−)-9,596.2-193.4
- no occurence of event, not applicable
Between March 2021 and November 2022, SURS implemented a grant project in the field of environmental statistics.

As part of the mentioned project, within the environmental accounts the time series of data for environmental goods and services accounts (EGSS) was extended back to 2010, and is available in the SiStat Database. In addition, the time series of data on taxes related to environmental protection (ETEA) was extended to the 2005–2007 period. SURS also revised the calculation of the emissions of residents and resident business units in road, air and water transport. A revised methodological approach for residence principle adjustment of data was used within the physical energy flow accounts (PEFA) and air emission accounts (NAMEA) for the entire data time series (2008–2020). 

In the field of water accounts, the methodology of water supply and use tables was upgraded, and the table of water asset accounts was developed for the 2017–2019 period.

As part of the project, a methodology to monitor the flow of secondary raw materials and by-products, which represent a small but essential role of society's transition to a circular economy, was established. Also the first experimental data calculations were prepared for 2020.

Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

When making use of the data and information of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, always add: "Source: SURS". More: Copyright.