Experimental statistics: Work and living conditions, October 2022

More limitations on in-person socialising

A tenth of employees were working from home at least one day in the week, the same as in October last year. The share of persons who limited in-person socialising due to measures to curb the COVID-19 epidemic increased by 10 percentage points.

  • 13 December 2022 at 10:30
  • |
  • Experimental statistics
Forms of work of employees about the same as a month before

In October, the majority of employees (80%) were working all days in the week on location, 2% all days in the week from home and 8% partially on location and partially from home. A tenth of employees were absent from work.

Work from home more widespread among employees living in Zahodna Slovenija

11% of employed persons were working from home at least one day in the week, the same as in October last year. Work from home was more widespread among women: among them, the share was 12%, while among employed men it was 10%. More employees living in cohesion region Zahodna Slovenija were working from home; 16% of them were working from home at least one day in the week. Among employees living in cohesion region Vzhodna Slovenija, the share was 6%.

Working from home was more widespread among more educated employees. Among employees with tertiary education, 17% were working from home at least one day in the week, while among less educated the share was 7%.

More persons limited in-person socialising

Compared to the previous month, the share of persons who limited in-persons socialising due to measures to curb the COVID-19 epidemic was 10 percentage points higher. In October, half of the population limited in-person socialising, the same as a year ago.

The difference in in-person socialising was the highest in the middle age group (aged 35–54). Among them, the share of persons who limited socialising was 19 percentage points higher than a month before; in October it was 53%.

The survey »Work and living conditions« replaced the survey »Work and education in the time of COVID-19«, which was conducted from December 2020 to September 2021. The methodology and the observed population are different, so the results are not comparable.

The data are published as experimental because the survey is new and because the measuring instrument, the methodology of data collection and the indicators are still being developed. More information can be found in the methodological explanations.

When making use of the data and information of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, always add: "Source: SURS". More: Copyright.