Foreign tourists and their expenditures, 2021–2022
For most foreign tourists expenditures in Slovenia within expectations
Foreign tourists staying in hotels mostly visited Slovenia for private reasons. Most of them came by car, with partner, and booked their accommodation themselves. To most of them Slovenia made a very good impression. In July–August 2021 their average daily expenditure was EUR 180 per person.
Most foreign tourists visited Slovenia for private reasons
In all selected periods, most foreign tourists in hotels (in July–August 2021 also in campsites) visited Slovenia for private reasons. They most often stated holidays or relaxation as the main reason for visiting Slovenia. The share of foreign tourists who visited Slovenia for business reasons was the highest in September–October 2021 (13%).
Fewer foreign tourist arrivals by airplane
Most foreign tourists travelled the longest part of their way to Slovenia by car (in July–August 2021 64%, in December 2021–January 2022 76%). The share of foreign tourists who made the longest distance by airplane was much lower than in 2019. 9% of foreign tourist arrivals in July–August 2021 were made by airplane, while in the summer season of 2019 24%. The share of foreign tourists who travelled the longest distance by airplane was the highest in April–May 2022 (25%).
Reputation of the country and personal experience were the key sources of information for visiting Slovenia
Personal experience and recommendations of relatives and friends had the greatest impact on the arrival of foreign tourists who visited Slovenia for private reasons in the observed periods of 2021 and 2022. They were followed by information about the presentation and promotion of Slovenia in the media (in April–May 2022 this was the second most important source of information). In July–August 2021, 37% of foreign tourists decided to visit Slovenia for private reasons on the recommendations of relatives and friends, 35% on the basis of personal experience and 20% on the basis of the presentation and promotion of Slovenia in the media.
In July–August 2021, personal experiences were crucial for tourists from Italy (59%) and Austria (44%), while tourists from Germany and Benelux countries were to a greater extent influenced by recommendations of relatives and friends (44%).
Slightly higher share of foreign tourists who visited Slovenia for the first time
Among foreign tourists who visited Slovenia for private reasons, the share of those who visited Slovenia for the first time was the highest in September–October 2021 (61%). Only in the winter season, when the COVID-19 epidemic was at the highest, those foreign tourists who had already visited Slovenia prevailed (65%).
Even higher was the share of foreign tourists who visited the place of the interview for the first time (in the summer season 85%). Their share was the highest in Ljubljana, while the share of returnees was the highest in seaside resorts.
In the summer season, almost half of foreign tourists visited several places during their stay in Slovenia
In July–August 2021, 49% of foreign tourists during their stay in Slovenia spent the night in several places in Slovenia. Foreign tourists travelled around Slovenia the least in the winter season – at that time 68% visited only one place, i.e. the place of the interview.
Foreign tourists often combine visiting Slovenia with visiting other countries
For 51% of foreign tourists Slovenia was not the only destination visited during their trip in July–August 2021. Rather they visited several countries during their trip. In the summer season 2021, they most often combined the visit to Slovenia with the visit to Croatia and in other seasons with the visit to Italy. In December 2021–January 2022, for 87% of foreign tourists Slovenia was the only destination on their trip, and in the spring season for 72%.
The most important motives to visit Slovenia were beauties of nature and personal safety during the stay
Most foreign tourists who visited Slovenia for private reasons in all observed periods stated beauties of nature as an important or very important motive to visit Slovenia. The second most important motive to visit Slovenia was personal safety during the stay. In the summer season, important motives to visit Slovenia were also opportunities for recreational activities and for rest and relaxation. In the autumn and winter season, during the COVID-19 epidemic, they also stated health safety during the stay (COVID-19) as an important motive.
Most foreign tourists came in the company of their spouse or partner
In all selected periods, most foreign tourists arrived in Slovenia together with their spouse or partner. In the summer and winter months, they were followed by foreign tourists who travelled with their families, and in the spring and autumn months by those who travelled alone.
Most foreign tourists booked their accommodation themselves
In December 2021–January 2022 and in April–May 2022, most foreign tourists arranged their accommodation themselves via online reservation systems (52% and 50% respectively), and in July–August 2021 themselves directly with the accommodation provider (37%).
Foreign tourists had the highest average daily expenditure in the autumn season
A foreign tourist staying in a hotel in Slovenia in July–August 2021 spent on average EUR 180 per day, in September–October 2021 EUR 214 per day, in December 2021–January 2022 EUR 172 per day and in April–May 2022 EUR 176 per day.
In the structure of expenditures, the highest share represented accommodation expenses. Foreign tourists spent on average on accommodation in a hotel between 45% (September–October 2021) and 50% (April–May 2022) of their total expanses. They spent on all other expenditures in Slovenia (on food and drink, purchases, transport within Slovenia, gambling, leisure and other activities) on average the most in September–October 2021 (EUR 118) and the least in April–May 2022 (EUR 89).
The least was spent on average by foreign tourists in hotels in mountain and seaside municipalities.
A foreign tourist staying in a camping site in July–August 2021 spent on average in Slovenia EUR 66 per day.
The majority of foreign tourists estimated that the level of expenditure was in line with their expectations.
The annual estimate of the average expenditure for foreign tourists staying in hotels in Slovenia in June 2021–May 2022 period was EUR 187 per person per day.
Very good general impression of Slovenia
When foreign tourists evaluated the level of satisfaction with their stay in Slovenia, they evaluated as very good the natural environment (73% of foreign tourists in the summer season), personal safety (57% of foreign tourists in the summer season) and hospitality of the domestic population (57% of foreign tourists in the summer season). They assigned most negative estimates (very bad and bad) to the quality of roads and roadside services (in the summer season 10%) and to the price to quality ratio (in the summer season 5%).
The majority of foreign tourists who visited Slovenia in the selected two-month periods rated the general impression of Slovenia as very good (62% in July–August 2021, 77% in September–October 2021, 62% in December 2021–January 2022 and 53% in April–May 2022). Compared to 2019, in all the observed periods the share of foreign tourists who estimated general impressions of Slovenia as very good was higher.
Detailed final data on foreign tourists and their expenditures, including data on annual estimates of average daily expenditure for foreign tourists accommodated in hotels are available in the SiStat Database.
In all selected periods, most foreign tourists in hotels (in July–August 2021 also in campsites) visited Slovenia for private reasons. They most often stated holidays or relaxation as the main reason for visiting Slovenia. The share of foreign tourists who visited Slovenia for business reasons was the highest in September–October 2021 (13%).
Fewer foreign tourist arrivals by airplane
Most foreign tourists travelled the longest part of their way to Slovenia by car (in July–August 2021 64%, in December 2021–January 2022 76%). The share of foreign tourists who made the longest distance by airplane was much lower than in 2019. 9% of foreign tourist arrivals in July–August 2021 were made by airplane, while in the summer season of 2019 24%. The share of foreign tourists who travelled the longest distance by airplane was the highest in April–May 2022 (25%).
Reputation of the country and personal experience were the key sources of information for visiting Slovenia
Personal experience and recommendations of relatives and friends had the greatest impact on the arrival of foreign tourists who visited Slovenia for private reasons in the observed periods of 2021 and 2022. They were followed by information about the presentation and promotion of Slovenia in the media (in April–May 2022 this was the second most important source of information). In July–August 2021, 37% of foreign tourists decided to visit Slovenia for private reasons on the recommendations of relatives and friends, 35% on the basis of personal experience and 20% on the basis of the presentation and promotion of Slovenia in the media.
In July–August 2021, personal experiences were crucial for tourists from Italy (59%) and Austria (44%), while tourists from Germany and Benelux countries were to a greater extent influenced by recommendations of relatives and friends (44%).
Slightly higher share of foreign tourists who visited Slovenia for the first time
Among foreign tourists who visited Slovenia for private reasons, the share of those who visited Slovenia for the first time was the highest in September–October 2021 (61%). Only in the winter season, when the COVID-19 epidemic was at the highest, those foreign tourists who had already visited Slovenia prevailed (65%).
Even higher was the share of foreign tourists who visited the place of the interview for the first time (in the summer season 85%). Their share was the highest in Ljubljana, while the share of returnees was the highest in seaside resorts.
In the summer season, almost half of foreign tourists visited several places during their stay in Slovenia
In July–August 2021, 49% of foreign tourists during their stay in Slovenia spent the night in several places in Slovenia. Foreign tourists travelled around Slovenia the least in the winter season – at that time 68% visited only one place, i.e. the place of the interview.
Foreign tourists often combine visiting Slovenia with visiting other countries
For 51% of foreign tourists Slovenia was not the only destination visited during their trip in July–August 2021. Rather they visited several countries during their trip. In the summer season 2021, they most often combined the visit to Slovenia with the visit to Croatia and in other seasons with the visit to Italy. In December 2021–January 2022, for 87% of foreign tourists Slovenia was the only destination on their trip, and in the spring season for 72%.
The most important motives to visit Slovenia were beauties of nature and personal safety during the stay
Most foreign tourists who visited Slovenia for private reasons in all observed periods stated beauties of nature as an important or very important motive to visit Slovenia. The second most important motive to visit Slovenia was personal safety during the stay. In the summer season, important motives to visit Slovenia were also opportunities for recreational activities and for rest and relaxation. In the autumn and winter season, during the COVID-19 epidemic, they also stated health safety during the stay (COVID-19) as an important motive.
Most foreign tourists came in the company of their spouse or partner
In all selected periods, most foreign tourists arrived in Slovenia together with their spouse or partner. In the summer and winter months, they were followed by foreign tourists who travelled with their families, and in the spring and autumn months by those who travelled alone.
Most foreign tourists booked their accommodation themselves
In December 2021–January 2022 and in April–May 2022, most foreign tourists arranged their accommodation themselves via online reservation systems (52% and 50% respectively), and in July–August 2021 themselves directly with the accommodation provider (37%).
Foreign tourists had the highest average daily expenditure in the autumn season
A foreign tourist staying in a hotel in Slovenia in July–August 2021 spent on average EUR 180 per day, in September–October 2021 EUR 214 per day, in December 2021–January 2022 EUR 172 per day and in April–May 2022 EUR 176 per day.
In the structure of expenditures, the highest share represented accommodation expenses. Foreign tourists spent on average on accommodation in a hotel between 45% (September–October 2021) and 50% (April–May 2022) of their total expanses. They spent on all other expenditures in Slovenia (on food and drink, purchases, transport within Slovenia, gambling, leisure and other activities) on average the most in September–October 2021 (EUR 118) and the least in April–May 2022 (EUR 89).
The least was spent on average by foreign tourists in hotels in mountain and seaside municipalities.
A foreign tourist staying in a camping site in July–August 2021 spent on average in Slovenia EUR 66 per day.
The majority of foreign tourists estimated that the level of expenditure was in line with their expectations.
The annual estimate of the average expenditure for foreign tourists staying in hotels in Slovenia in June 2021–May 2022 period was EUR 187 per person per day.
Very good general impression of Slovenia
When foreign tourists evaluated the level of satisfaction with their stay in Slovenia, they evaluated as very good the natural environment (73% of foreign tourists in the summer season), personal safety (57% of foreign tourists in the summer season) and hospitality of the domestic population (57% of foreign tourists in the summer season). They assigned most negative estimates (very bad and bad) to the quality of roads and roadside services (in the summer season 10%) and to the price to quality ratio (in the summer season 5%).
The majority of foreign tourists who visited Slovenia in the selected two-month periods rated the general impression of Slovenia as very good (62% in July–August 2021, 77% in September–October 2021, 62% in December 2021–January 2022 and 53% in April–May 2022). Compared to 2019, in all the observed periods the share of foreign tourists who estimated general impressions of Slovenia as very good was higher.
Detailed final data on foreign tourists and their expenditures, including data on annual estimates of average daily expenditure for foreign tourists accommodated in hotels are available in the SiStat Database.
Average daily expenditures of foreign tourists, staying in a hotel, Slovenia
Foreign tourists by some characteristics of arrival and staying in Slovenia, Slovenia1)
1) Data refer to foreign tourists staying in hotels, while in the July—August data refer also to foreign tourists staying in camping sites. 2) The share in selected period was not the highest. M less reliable estimate – use with caution |
In 2021, we changed the methodology of calculating average daily expenditure of foreign tourists in Slovenia. Therefore, the data on average daily expenditure for selected periods of 2021–2022 are not completely comparable with the data of previous years.
When making use of the data and information of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, always add: "Source: SURS". More: Copyright.