Job vacancies and occupied posts, 2nd quarter 2022

The highest job vacancy rate was in accommodation and food service activities

In the last year, the numbers of job vacancies and occupied posts have been constantly increasing. A year-on-year comparison shows that the number of job vacancies increased by 5,100 and of occupied posts by 19,300, while the job vacancy rate was higher by 0.5 of a percentage point.

  • 11 August 2022 at 10:30
  • |
  • final data
Again more job vacancies

In the 2nd quarter of 2022, almost 25,900 job vacancies were recorded, which is 6% more than in the previous quarter. The number of job vacancies has reached its highest level since 2008, when this survey was first conducted. 

A lower offer of job vacancies than in the previous quarter was recorded only in six fields of activity, most notably in manufacturing (by 300 fewer) and construction (by 210 fewer). Unstable conditions related to prices of basic materials and motor fuels may have contributed to this, or the trend of intensive search for new employees, which had been noticeable in the previous three quarters, may have eased.

The annual comparison of the data, i.e. those of the 2nd quarter of 2022 with the same period the year before, shows an increase in demand for new jobs by a quarter, which means almost 5,100 more vacancies. Year-on-year growth was most significant in accommodation and food service activities, where 1,100 job vacancies more were recorded. The demand for new labour force was higher in all fields of activity except in mining, manufacturing and real estate.

Number of occupied posts increasing

The number of occupied posts increased by 19,300 compared to the year before. A constant upward trend in vacancies has been recorded since the 2nd quarter of 2014, with the exception of the 2nd quarter of 2020, when the COVID-19 epidemic began. 

Compared to the previous quarter, there were almost 2,300 occupied posts more. During this period, employers with 10 or more employed persons were more active in terms of employment, as the number of occupied posts increased by 2,500. On the other hand, smaller employers, with 1 to 9 employees, had slightly fewer occupied posts.

Job vacancy rate the highest in accommodation and food service activities …

The job vacancy rate was highest in accommodation and food service activities, i.e. 8.3%, which is 1.5 percentage points higher than in the previous quarter. This increase was mainly because of the higher demand for new workforce in this activity, as almost 560 (which is 25%) vacancies more than in the previous quarter were advertised. On the other hand, the number of occupied posts in this activity did not increase in accordance with the volume of demand – there were about 100 occupied posts more. In the last year, the number of occupied posts in accommodation and food service activities was around 30,000. The highest number, 31,700, was recorded just before the COVID-19 epidemic began in the 1st quarter of 2020.

… and remains above the three percent mark in Slovenia 

In the 1st quarter of this year, the job vacancy rate in Slovenia reached 3% for the first time. In the observed quarter, it increased further, to 3.1%. Compared to the same quarter of last year, it went up by 0.5 of a percentage point.

The job vacancy rate was below one percent until the 4th quarter of 2013 (except in 2008). From 2014, it had been rising and it reached its highest level in the observed quarter. In terms of business entities with 10 or more employees, this rate was also the highest so far – 2.7%. 

Tables with the latest data are available in the SiStat Database.
Job vacancy rate, seasonally adjusted data, Slovenia
Job vacancy rate, seasonally adjusted data, Slovenia
1) Break in time series.

Data are seasonally adjusted.

When making use of the data and information of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, always add: "Source: SURS". More: Copyright.