Experimental statistics: Work and living conditions, 4th quarter 2021–2nd quarter 2022

Income up in more than a quarter of households

In the observed quarters, an increasingly higher share of households assessed that their income went up in the last 12 months. However, also a higher share of households had difficulties paying costs (housing and non-housing loans, rent).

  • 11 August 2022 at 10:30
  • |
  • Experimental statistics
An increase in social benefits was the main reason for household's income increase

A higher share of households assessed that household income increased in the last 12 months before the interview – in Q2 2022 the share was 28% (11 percentage points higher than in Q4 2021). On the other hand, the share of households which assessed that their income decreased in the last 12 months went down (by 3 percentage points, to 10%).

In a quarter of the households (26%) the main reason for the increase in income was an increase in social benefits, and in a fifth (21%) of the households increased salary. The main reason for the decrease in income was reduced salary (in 18% of the households) and other reasons (19%).

In a third of the households (34%) with a decrease in income, the decrease did not affect their standard of living. Other households coped with reduced income by reducing expenditures (31%) or using savings (17%).

A higher share of households had difficulties paying expenditures

A little less than a fifth of the households (18%) were able to make ends meet with difficulty or great difficulty, while almost a quarter coped easily or very easily. Slightly more than half of the households (54%) could afford unexpected financial expenses in the amount of EUR 700.

Compared to Q4 2021, in Q2 2022 the shares of the households having difficulties repaying housing loan, non-housing loan or rent increased. The share of the households which were unable to pay housing costs, a loan, a mortgage or rent on time (in the previous quarter before the interview) due to financial difficulties was 13%.

Most satisfied with personal relationships, least satisfied with the financial situation of the household

Persons were most satisfied with personal relationships (Q2 2022: assessment 7.7 on a scale of 0–10), followed by overall life satisfaction (6.9), and least satisfied with the financial situation of the household (5.7). Average satisfaction did not change much between quarters.

Slightly more than a fifth highly satisfied with personal relationships, life as well as financial situation 

In the observed period, two thirds of the persons were highly satisfied (assessment 8 or higher) with personal relationships, slightly less than a half of persons (47%) were highly satisfied with life, and 29% with the financial situation of the household. On the other hand, 11% of persons expressed a low level of satisfaction (assessment 2 or less) with the financial situation of the household, 4% with life, and 2% with personal relationships.

In terms of all three areas, 21% of persons were highly satisfied, while a low level of such satisfaction was reported by less than a percent (0.8%).

More than a half were happy most of the time or always

In the period before the interview, 45% of persons never felt loneliness, while 6% felt lonely most of the time. On the other hand, 8% of persons were happy all of the time, 48% most of the time, and 10% felt happy a little of the time.

Data refer to persons aged 16 years or more. Data collected with this survey are similar to the data of the survey Income and living conditions (EU-SILC). However, due to different methodology and data collection methods, data are not comparable.

The data are published as experimental because the survey is new and because the measuring instrument, the methodology of data collection and the indicators are still being developed. More information can be found in the methodological explanations.

Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or Eurostat. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

When making use of the data and information of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, always add: "Source: SURS". More: Copyright.