Tourist arrivals and overnight stays, March 2022
Most domestic tourist overnight stays in Piran and foreign in Ljubljana
Tourist accommodation establishments in Slovenia recorded significantly more tourist overnight stays than in March 2020 and March 2021, which were marked by the enforcement of COVID-19 epidemic measures, but 12% fewer than in March of record-breaking 2019.
In March 2022, tourist accommodation establishments in Slovenia recorded approximately 264,000 tourist arrivals and almost 725,500 overnight stays. Thus, many more tourist arrivals and overnight stays were recorded than in March 2020 and March 2021, due to the eased COVID-19 epidemic measures in the field of tourism.
Domestic tourists generated 136,700 arrivals and almost 391,000 overnight stays, which is 19% more overnight stays than in March of record-breaking 2019.
Foreign tourists generated 127,300 arrivals and approximately 335,000 overnight stays, which is 33% fewer overnight stays than in March 2019.
The most overnight stays by tourists from our neighbouring countries
The largest number of foreign overnight stays was generated by tourists from Italy and Austria (11% of all foreign overnight stays each). They were followed by tourists from Hungary (10%) and Croatia (9%).
Tourist accommodation establishments recorded significantly more overnight stays of Ukrainian citizens. They generated almost 28,500 overnight stays and spent on average 3 nights.
Almost one third of tourist overnight stays in health (spa) resorts
As regards the types of municipalities, the largest number of tourist overnight stays was recorded in health (spa) resorts (slightly more than 215,100 or 30% of all overnight stays), followed by mountain resorts (almost 172,700 or 24% of all overnight stays), seaside resorts (17%) and Ljubljana (13%).
Domestic tourists generated the largest number of overnight stays in the municipality of Piran (50,800) and foreign in Ljubljana (80,800).
Almost 60% of all overnight stays in hotels
Tourists generated the most overnight stays in hotels (412,700 stays or 57% of all overnight stays and 17% fewer than in March 2019), followed by private accommodations - rented rooms, dwellings (18% of all overnight stays or 4% more than in March 2019) and in vacation establishments (4% of all overnight stays or approximately the same as in March 2019).In the first quarter of 2022, almost 2 million tourist overnight stays
From the beginning of January to the end of March 2022, many more tourist arrivals and overnight stays than in the same periods of 2020 and 2021 were recorded. Namely, almost 700,000 arrivals and almost 2 million overnight stays.
More detailed provisional monthly data are available in the SiStat Database.
Tourist arrivals and overnight stays by key markets from which the tourists come, March 2022 – provisional data
Tourist arrivals and overnight stays by types of tourist municipalities and by tourist accommodation establishments, March 2022 – provisional data
Final data on tourist arrivals and overnight stays for March 2022 will be published on 25 May 2022 in the SiStat Database.
Data are not seasonally adjusted.
As few tourist arrivals and overnight stays were recorded in March 2021, the values of indices of tourist arrivals and overnight stays for March 2022 are unusually high.
Persons coming to Slovenia from Ukraine, who are accommodated in accommodation establishments appointed by the Government of the Republic of Slovenia in accordance to International Protection Act (OJ RS, No.16/17 – official consolidated text and 54/21), are not obliged to pay the tourist taxes in line with the Promotion of Tourism Development Act (OJ RS, No. 13/18). Therefore, their overnight stays are not a part of accommodation statistics.
From January 2022 on, an updated classification of types of tourist municipalities is being used. The municipality of Krško is now classified as urban municipality (and no longer as other municipality).
Additional explanations are available in the Methodological explanations.