Exports and imports of goods, January 2022

Value of Slovenia’s external trade in goods in January higher than a year ago

In January 2022, Slovenia exported and imported more goods than in the same month of 2021. Exports increased by 20.5% and imports by 52.1%.

  • 7 March 2022 at 10:30
  • |
  • provisional data
Exports and imports in January 2022 higher than in January 2021

In January 2022, Slovenia’s exports were 20.5% higher than in January 2021 and amounted to EUR 3.5 billion, while imports were 52.1% higher and amounted to EUR 3.9 billion. The values of exports and imports were also higher than the average value of monthly exports and imports in 2021 (exports by 6.1% and imports by 11.9%). 

In January 2022, deficit in trade in goods was recorded; it amounted to EUR 0.4 billion. The export/import ratio was 89.2%. 

External trade in goods with both groups of countries higher, imports from EU non-member countries increased significantly

Compared to January 2021, in January 2022 exports to EU Member States were 28.8% higher and imports were higher by 38.0%. Both exports and imports to EU Member States amounted to EUR 2.4 billion. Slovenia generated 68.5% of total exports and 60.9% of total imports with EU Member States.

The value of goods Slovenia exported to EU non-member countries increased by 5.7% compared to January 2021, while the value of goods imported from these countries increased by 80.6%. Exports to EU non-member countries amounted to EUR 1.1 billion and imports to EUR 1.5 billion. 

An important share of value in trade with EU non-member countries were operations involving processing1, as in January such transactions represented roughly two fifths of all exports and nearly a half of all imports. Exports excluding transactions involving processing to EU non-member countries amounted to EUR 0.6 billion and were 20.5% higher than in previous January, while imports excluding transactions involving processing amounted to EUR 0.8 billion and were 58.0% higher than a year ago.

Monthly values of exports and imports, Slovenia
Monthly values of exports and imports, Slovenia
Exports and imports of goods, Slovenia
I 2022I 2022
I 2021
1,000 EURindex
  EU non-member countries1,101,676105.7
  EU non-member countries1,532,850180.6
Trade balance-423,030-1)
Exports as % of imports89.2-1)
1) Not applicable.
1Operations involving processing include modification, making, composition, improvement and renovation with the aim to produce new or significantly improved products.

Monthly data for 2022 are provisional. With each First Release the data can be corrected and completed with new data. Final data for 2022 will be published in June 2023.

When making use of the data and information of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, always add: "Source: SURS". More: Copyright.