Persons in employment, November 2024

Share of foreign citizens among persons in employment at its highest to date

There were just over 948,400 persons in employment or 0.1% more than in October. The largest growth was observed in human health and social care activities and in education, mostly among women.

  • 16 January 2025 at 10:30
  • |
  • final data
Key statistics for November:

  • More than 948,400 persons in employment.
  • A 0.6% monthly increase in the number of persons in employment in human health and social care activities.
  • Foreign citizens accounted for 15.9% of persons in employment (excluding farmers).

Notable monthly growth among women in employment

In November, the number of persons in employment grew again, exceeding 948,400, which is a monthly increase of nearly 700 persons or 0.1%. This marks the third consecutive monthly growth and the largest number since we started monitoring register data. The number of persons in paid employment increased by approximately 600 (0.1%), and the number of self-employed by 54 (0.1%). Gender comparisons reveal a larger growth among women in employment, whose number grew by over 500 (0.1%), largely in human health and social work activities and in education. On the other hand, the number of men in employment increased by just over 100.

Compared to November 2023, the number of persons in employment grew by 1.1%, with the number of persons in paid employment increasing by 1.0% and the number of self-employed by 1.9%. The number of men in employment went up by 1.6%, and the number of women in employment by 0.4%.

Growth in most sections of activities, the most in human health and social care activities

On a monthly basis, the number of persons in employment grew in 13 sections of activities, while it declined in seven. The most significant increase was recorded in human health and social care activities, where the number of persons in employment went up by over 400 (0.6%). Within this section of activity, the largest increase (by over 100 persons or 1.9%) occurred in other social work activities without accommodation for the elderly and disabled. Another notable rise was observed in education, with an increase of nearly 300 persons (0.4%). On the other hand, the largest declines happened in administrative and support service activities (by nearly 600 persons or 1.7%) and in accommodation and food service activities (by almost 300 persons or 0.7%).

By group of citizenship (excluding farmers), the number of employed citizens of Slovenia increased by nearly 400, with the largest growth in human health and social care activities (by nearly 400 or 0.5%) and education (by over 200 or 0.3%). The number of foreign citizens in employment also rose, by approximately 300 (0.2%), with the largest increases in manufacturing (over 200 or 0.5%) and transportation and storage (nearly 100 or 0.5%).

Compared to November 2023, the number of persons in employment grew the most in construction (5.4%), followed by human health and social care activities (3.3%).

The number of citizens of Slovenia in employment (excluding farmers) decreased by 0.3% over the past year, while the number of foreign citizens (excluding farmers) increased by 9.5%. In one year, the share of foreign citizens among persons in employment (excluding farmers) grew from 14.7% (nearly 135,200 persons) to 15.9% (approximately 148,000 persons).

Tables with the latest data are available in the SiStat Database.

Persons in employment, Slovenia
Nov 2024 Nov 2024 
Oct 2024
Nov 2024
Nov 2023
numbergrowth rate (%)
Persons in employment948,4440.11.1
Persons in paid employment844,7190.11.0
   by legal persons798,2340.11.2
   by natural persons46,485–0.4–2.7
Self-employed persons103,7250.11.9
   private entrepreneurs77,871–0.12.5
   own-account workers6,9721.813.3
Additional explanations are available in the methodological explanations.
When making use of the data and information of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, always add: "Source: SURS". More: Copyright.