Trade in goods by enterprise characteristics, 2023

Most of Slovenia's trade in goods generated by enterprises that exceeded EUR 5 million in value of this trade

The export of enterprises with a trade value of over EUR 5 million represented 90.4% of the total value of exports, while the import of these enterprises represented 85.2% of the total value of imports.

  • 20 December 2024 at 10:30
  • |
  • final data
Key statistics

  • More than two-thirds of the total value of exports and more than a half of the total value of imports were generated by industrial enterprises.
  • 3.6% of all exporters and 2.1% of all importers exceeded EUR 5 million of trade value.
  • Micro and small enterprises generated their highest values as regards goods exports to Croatia and imports from Italy.
  • The highest value of Slovenia’s trade in goods was contributed by enterprises located in the Osrednjeslovenska statistical region (46.3% of total exports and 57.8% of total imports).

Industrial enterprises generated more than two-thirds of total exports

In 2023, most goods were exported by enterprises that according to the Standard Classification of Activities belong to sections of activity B, C, D and E (Mining and quarrying, Manufacturing, Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply, Water supply, sewerage, waste management and remediation activities), namely 72.3% of total exports. Among enterprises from sections B, C, D, E in terms of value the most important was trade of enterprises from section C (Manufacturing), namely at both flows of goods it represented more than 98% of the value of exports and imports of all enterprises from sections B, C, D, E.

The largest share of total imports (53.3%) was also generated by enterprises belonging to sections B, C, D and E, followed by enterprises from section G (Wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles) with 33.2% of total imports.

Data on the structure of enterprises according to section of activity reveal that both at exports and at imports enterprises from sections of activity other than industry or trade were the most numerous (more than a third of all exporters and more than a half of all importers).

Enterprises with the largest trade value generated most of Slovenia's trade in goods

Among exporters and importers a small number of enterprises with trade values over EUR 5 million contributed the largest share of trade in goods (3.6% of all exporters and 2.1% of all importers). Exports of these enterprises represented 90.4% of total exports and imports 85.2% of total imports.

A smaller share of the total value of trade in goods in Slovenia was contributed by enterprises that generated a trade value of between EUR 1 million and EUR 5 million. These enterprises represented 5.8% of all exporters and 4.5% of all importers, and they generated less than a tenth of Slovenia's total exports and imports.

Among exporters and importers, the most numerous were enterprises with trade values up to EUR 1 million (90.6% of all exporters and 93.4% of all importers). Their exports amounted to 3.3% of total exports, and their imports to 5.4% of total imports.

Enterprises with fewer than 50 employees generated most of their trade with the most important trading partners

The structure of Slovenia’s trade in goods with the most important export trading partners shows that in trade with most countries the largest shares were generated by large enterprises. Micro enterprises with fewer than 10 employees and small enterprises with 10–50 employees exported the most goods to Croatia (36.9% of the total value of exports to Croatia), Italy (30.7% of the total value of exports to Italy) and Germany (17.7% of the total value of exports to Germany). Medium-sized enterprises generated the highest shares of exports by exporting to Croatia and Austria (about a quarter of the value of exports to each country) and Germany (about a fifth of the total value of exports to Germany). 

The structure of Slovenia's trade with the most important import trading partners reveals that micro and small enterprises imported the most goods from Italy, Germany and Austria (on average more than a third of the value of imports from each country). Medium-sized enterprises, on the other hand, generated the highest share of imports by importing from Germany and Austria (about a fifth of the value of imports from each country) and Italy (about a sixth of the total value of imports from Italy).

Slovenia's trade in goods still the largest with enterprises located in the Osrednjeslovenska statistical region

As in previous years, Slovenia's trade in goods in 2023 was mostly contributed by enterprises located in the Osrednjeslovenska statistical region. Their exports amounted to 46.3% of total exports and their imports to 57.8% of total imports. 

The second largest share of the total value of Slovenia's exports of goods was contributed by enterprises located in the statistical region Jugovzhodna Slovenija. Their exports amounted to 8.2% of total exports. On the other hand, the second largest share of the total value of Slovenia's imports of goods was contributed by enterprises located in the Savinjska statistical region. Their imports amounted to 6.4% of total imports. 

Tables with the latest data are available in the SiStat Database.

Structure of exports and imports by trade value of exporters and importers, Slovenia, 2023
Structure of exports and imports by trade value of exporters and importers, Slovenia, 2023
Trade in goods by statistical regions, Slovenia, 2023
Trade in goods by statistical regions, Slovenia, 2023
1) Enterprises that are not established in Slovenia and cannot be classified into a single statistical region.
Number of exporters and importers according to section of activity and values of their trade in goods, Slovenia, 2023
Section of activity of enterpriseExportsImportsExportsImports
EUR 1,000number of enterprises
B, C, D, E 1)39,737,20730,405,1945,9849,597
G 2)8,447,57118,949,5557,98613,174
Other activities1,566,2442,494,30610,86227,452
1) B, C, D, E Mining and quarrying, manufacturing, electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply, water supply, sewerage, waste management and remediation activities
2) Wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles

Additional explanations are available in the methodological explanations.

When making use of the data and information of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, always add: "Source: SURS". More: Copyright.