This Merry Day of Culture

This Merry Day of Culture 2024

In 2022, total culture employed 42,427 people or 3.9% of all employees, and core culture 24,242 or 2.2%. 

  • 2 December 2024 at 10:30
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The day dedicated to culture was initiated by the Ministry of Culture on the bicentenary of the birth of the poet France Prešeren, 3 December 2000. Since then, on this day, cultural institutions have been opening their doors to visitors with free cultural events.

Culture on stage – on average 66 events per day

In the previous year, 24,154 events were held on the stages of houses of culture, theatres and music institutions. About half (49%) of them were own production and co-production, and the rest were performances by guest performers or ensembles. 

The majority of these events (76%) were held in houses of culture and cultural centres, 21% in theatres and both operas, and 3% in music institutions, since orchestras and other music producers are mostly guests or they perform in houses of culture and cultural centres. 

Houses of culture, theatres and music institutions prepared 152 festivals. More than half of them, 78, were music and dance festivals, 30 were theatre festivals and 15 were film festivals. The remaining 29 festivals are described in terms of content as children's, youth, literary and literary-musical, multimedia, art-technology-science, comics, feminist, ethnological, etc. 

Attendance at stage performances and events – on average 163 visitors per event 

Events in houses of culture, theatres, operas and music institutions attracted 3.9 million visitors in 2023. 


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Music and dance events were seen by the largest number of visitors (around 36% of all visitors), although these types of events represented only about 22% of all events. Second placed in terms of attendance (24% of the total) were theatre performances, which were the most common events, 29%. Art and museum events had slightly fewer visitors, 20%, among the events offered, but they represented only 4% of all events.


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1,224 exhibitions in museums and galleries

Last year, museums, galleries and institutions with museum collections prepared 836 temporary and 388 permanent exhibitions in their premises and 74 e-exhibitions on their web portals.

In addition to exhibitions, many museums and galleries prepared for visitors various workshops, guided tours, interactive events, lectures, discussions, etc. In 2023, there were 34,950 such events in their premises and another 285 educational e-events for the virtual space.

The concern for access to exhibitions in museums and galleries is shown by the data on accessibility for people with physical and sensory disabilities: 
  • Thirty-three museums and galleries provided full access for people with physical disabilities, 53 partial access, and 13 have not yet provided such access.
  • For people with sensory disabilities, access was fully arranged in nine and partially arranged in 52 museums and galleries, while in the remaining 39 access has not yet been arranged. 

Museum exhibitions attended by close to 2.8 million visitors 

Museums, galleries and smaller museum collections recorded around 2,759,000 visitors in 2023.


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Most exhibition visitors, 80.9%, were domestic and 19.1% were foreigners; on average, 2,254 people visited each exhibition.

E-exhibitions have a lower average viewership: the 74 e-exhibitions were viewed online by 63,631 users, on average 860 per e-exhibition.

Free access to culture

Some institutions with stage activity also offer visitors free events. In 2023, 30.4% of all events were free: 36.6% of all events in houses of culture, 8.6% of all performances in theatres and operas, and 24.3% of all concerts in music institutions. 

Museums and galleries open their doors to free viewing of exhibitions, especially on holidays such as This Marry Day of Culture. In 2023, around 633,500 people visited the exhibitions with a free ticket, which represented almost 23% of the total number of visitors to these exhibitions. 


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Book production

Last year, 1,398 Slovenian publishers, including 318 self-publishers, published 5,652 titles of printed books and brochures:
  • 66.4% were original works and 33.6% were translations
  • 82.4% were first editions and 17.6% were reprints
1,654 e-books and brochures were also published, accessible online, and some of these are also available in printed form.

Source: NUK

On average 23,000 library visitors per day

In 2023, 277 local libraries and 13 bookmobiles were organised into a network of public libraries. Around 436,300 members were registered, 30.5% of them were under 15 years of age. They borrowed 19.6 million items of library material.

Libraries recorded 8.4 million visits, which means that on average last year each member visited the library more than 19 times. The libraries recorded on average 23,000 visitors per day. 

Public libraries attracted 127,410 users to training for the use of the library and its information resources and services, about a fifth of whom received individual training.

In addition, last year public libraries prepared 24,073 different events for their members and other users, each library on average 87 events.

Source: NUK

1.9 million moviegoers

Slovenian film production in 2023:
  • 20 long films: 15 feature films and five documentaries
  • 73 short and medium-length films: 26 feature films, 27 documentaries and 20 animated films
Cinemas were showing 421 films, 52 of them Slovenian. They were seen by around 1.9 million moviegoers, Slovenian films by almost 201,000. On average, 4,572 people watched a foreign film and 3,862 a Slovenian film. 

Source: Slovenian Film Centre

Value added of culture and its contribution to GDP

Total culture, which in addition to core culture also covers architecture and design, advertising, cultural education, and so-called cross-sectional and unclassified, contributed 2.9% to the gross value added in 2022. Gross domestic product that can be attributed to total culture amounted to EUR 1.6 billion in 2022 or 2.8% of Slovenian GDP. 

Core culture, which includes five areas – cultural and natural heritage, performing arts, visual arts, books and periodicals, and audio-visual activity –, contributed 1.6% to the gross value added in 2022. The contribution to GDP amounted to EUR 927.3 million or 1.6% of Slovenian GDP. 

Employment and typical cultural occupations 

In 2022, 42,427 people were employed in total culture or 3.9% of all employees, of which 24,242 in core culture or 2.2% of all employees.
At the end of 2023, 16,372 persons – 10,185 employees (62.2%) and 6,187 self-employed persons (37.8%) – performed one of the twenty typical cultural occupations and were entered in the Statistical Register of Employment. A decade earlier, in 2014, there were 13,013 persons in employment in cultural occupations, of whom 65.2% were employees and 34.8% were self-employed. 


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A detailed overview at the data by cultural occupations shows for 2023:
  • Occupations providing a more secure employment status are librarians and library clercks (as many as 99.5% in paid employment) and gallery, museums and library technicians (only 1.1% are self-employed). 
  • More precarious occupations with a large number of self-employed persons are creative and performing artists (more specifically, artists, imitators, comedians, storytellers, stand-up comedians) with only 15.2% in paid employment, visual artists with 22.8% in paid employment, and writers with 28.0% in paid employment. 

When making use of the data and information of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, always add: "Source: SURS". More: Copyright.