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A private household is a group of population (or resident living alone) living in the same dwelling with the same household number.

Data on households refer to private households if not otherwise stated.

An institutional household is a group of population whose accommodation (possibly also subsistence) is provided for by the institution in which they live.

Type of household is the characteristic of household irrespective of whether people in them are living in family or non-family communities.

A family household is a household with at least two family members.

A one-family household is a household where all household members are also members of one family.

An extended family household is a household with members of one or several families in the household and at least one person who is not member of these families.

A non-family household is a household where all household members are not family members. One-person household is a category of non-family household.

Average household size is the ratio between the number of population living in the private households and the number of the private households.


© Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia. Use and publication of data is allowed provided the source is acknowledged.