family (nucleus) is defined as two or
more persons who live in the same private household and who are related as:
Parents (one or both) and children who live with
both or one of the parents. The age of children is not limited, however they
must not have their own families or live in consensual unions;
A married man and woman;
Partners who live in a consensual union.
Type of family is a characteristic of a family regarding the
relations between spouses, cohabiting partners, parents and children. Basic
types of families are:
couple without children,
couple with children,
Mother with
Father with
partners without children,
partners with children.
Husband-wife family is a type of family comprised by a married couple
without children and a married couple with children.
consensual union is long-time
community of a man and a woman who is not married one with the other. The
marital status of partners is not important.
Lone parent family is a type of family comprised by mother with
children and father with children.
Parents family is a type of family comprised by married couple
with children and unmarried partners with children
Family without children is a type of family comprised by
married couple without children and unmarried partners without children.
Family with children is a type of family comprised by lone parent family
and parents family.
Average number of children in all families is the ratio between the number of
children living in the families and the number of all families.
Average number of children in families with children is the ratio between the number of
children living in the families and the number of families with children.