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Activity status is the relationship of a person to economic activity, based on a reference period defined in data sources on activity. In the broader sense we distinguish economically active and inactive population.

Employed are persons aged 15 or more living in Slovenia, irrespective of the location of work:

·  Persons in paid employment performing temporary or occasional contract work, self-employed persons and farmers included in compulsory social security in Slovenia;

·  Detached workers (persons employed in Slovenia but sent to work or training abroad);

·  Employed and self-employed persons (also cross-border workers) insured at a foreign insurance institution but included in the health care system in Slovenia;

·  Contributing family workers in farmer households.

Unemployed is a job-seeker who:

·  Does not have a regular job or is not self-employed, is not owner or co-owner of an operating enterprise, and is not owner or user of property which could provide a living;

·  Is capable of and willing to work and is prepared to accept a job suitable to the professional attainment or working skills acquired through work and is registered as a job-seeker with the Employment Service of Slovenia.

Pupils are persons aged 15 or more who are not employed or unemployed and are enrolled in:

·  Compulsory basic education in elementary schools with regular curriculum or with special curriculum;

·  Elementary schools for adults;

·   Upper secondary education programmes for youth and adults.

Students are persons who are not employed, unemployed or pension recipients and are in the academic year 2010/2011 enrolled in tertiary education (vocational colleges or higher education institutions including master and doctorate of science studies), irrespective of the mode of study (full-time, part-time).

Pension recipients are persons receiving old-age, disability or survivors' pension according to regulations in the Republic of Slovenia or from a foreign pension insurance carrier, and are not classified as employed, unemployed or student.

Other inactive are persons not classified into any other category of inactive population; included are:

·  Recipients of social and other assistance and benefits;

·   Family members of insured persons (e. g. homemakers);

·   Recipients of national pensions;

·   Other inactive persons included in health insurance.

Working age population are all persons aged 15 or more.

The labour force is the sum of employed and unemployed persons.

Activity rate represents the labour force as a percentage of the working age population.

Employment/population ratio represents employed persons as a percentage of the working age population.

Unemployment rate represents unemployed persons as a percentage of the labour force.



© Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia. Use and publication of data is allowed provided the source is acknowledged.