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Censuses 1948 - 1991

Publication of data collected by 1948-1971 Censuses was centralised as all data were published by the Federal Statistical Office for all republics of former Yugoslavia. Census books for 1948-1961 Censuses were published only in Serbo-Croatian, while 1971 Census books have a Slovene introduction and tables in Serbo-Croatian.

For the 1981 Census a publication entitled “Popis prebivalstva, gospodinjstev in stanovanj v SR Sloveniji 31. 3. 1981 – Končni rezultati po občinah (Rezultati raziskovanj 282)” is available as well as excel files with data by settlements, which are shown by the then 65 municipalities.

For the 1991 Census a bilingual publication entitled “Census of the Population, Households, Housings and Agricultural Holdings in the Republic of Slovenia 1991 – results by municipalities (Results of Surveys 617)” is available as well as excel files with data by settlements by the then 62 municipalities. 1991 Census data recalculated to municipalities valid at the 2002 Census are published in the SI-STAT Data Portal.

© Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia. Use and publication of data is allowed provided the source is acknowledged.