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Šifra Kategorije Zaporedno številko vključitve Kategorije in vključitve Angleška kategorije in vključitve
01 Apple trees producing dessert apples Apple trees producing dessert apples
01001 Cardinal Cardinal
01002 Discovery Discovery
01003 Gravenstein/Grasten Gravenstein/Grasten
01005 James Grieve James Grieve
01006 Worcester Pearmain Worcester Pearmain
01007 Reine des Reinettes/Goldparmäne Reine des Reinettes/Goldparmäne
01008 Ingrid Marie Ingrid Marie
01009 McIntosh McIntosh
01010 Jonathan Jonathan
01011 Red Delicious, etc. (groupe) and Starking Delicious Red Delicious, etc. (groupe) and Starking Delicious
01012 Golden Delicious and Golden Spur Golden Delicious and Golden Spur
01013 Spartan Spartan
01014 Reinette du Canada Reinette du Canada
01015 Cox's Orange Pippin Cox's Orange Pippin
01016 Boskoop Boskoop
01017 Morgenduft (Imperatore) and Rome Beauty Morgenduft (Imperatore) and Rome Beauty
01018 Rambour d'hiver Rambour d'hiver
01019 Granny Smith Granny Smith
01020 Reinette du Mans Reinette du Mans
01021 Annurca Annurca
01022 Stayman Stayman
01023 Glockenapfel Glockenapfel
01026 Abbondanza Abbondanza
01027 Holsteiner Cox Holsteiner Cox
01028 Reinette Clochard Reinette Clochard
01031 Gloster Gloster
01033 Crispin/Mutzu Crispin/Mutzu
01034 Melrose Melrose
01035 Egremont Russet Egremont Russet
01036 Lobo Lobo
01038 Luxembourg Triumpf Luxembourg Triumpf
01039 Luxembourg Reinette Luxembourg Reinette
01042 Fyriki Fyriki
01043 Delicious Pilafa Delicious Pilafa
01044 Jonagold Jonagold
01045 Katy Katy
01046 Idared Idared
01047 Elstar Elstar
01050 Reinette Parda Reinette Parda
01051 Starkimson and clones (Coopers) Starkimson and clones (Coopers)
01052 Verde doncella Verde doncella
01053 Fiesta Fiesta
01054 Groupe Gala Groupe Gala
01055 Braeburn Braeburn
01056 Prima Prima
01057 Akane Akane
01058 Top Red Delicious Top Red Delicious
01059 Alkmine Alkmine
01060 Jumba Jumba
01061 Casa Nova de Alcobaça Casa Nova de Alcobaça
01062 Aroma Aroma
01063 Limoncella Limoncella
01064 Autres Reinettes Autres Reinettes
01065 Jersey Mac Jersey Mac
01066 Berlepsch Berlepsch
01067 Ontario Ontario
01068 Groupe Fuji Groupe Fuji
01069 Kronprinz Rudolf Kronprinz Rudolf
01070 Pigeon Pigeon
01071 Delcorf Delcorf
01072 Pirja Pirja
01073 Jonagored Jonagored
01074 Pinova Pinova
01075 Topaz Topaz
01076 Cripps Pink Cripps Pink
01077 Delblush Delblush
01078 Arlet Arlet
01079 Rubinette Rubinette
01080 Early Gold Early Gold
01081 Melodie Melodie
01082 Rubin Rubin
01083 Champion/Šampion (CZ) Szampion (PL) Champion/Šampion (CZ) Szampion (PL)
01084 Rubinola Rubinola
01085 Ligol (PL) Ligol (PL)
01086 Cortland (PL) Cortland (PL)
01087 Štaris (Staris) (LT) Štaris (Staris) (LT)
01088 Aldas (LT) Aldas (LT)
01089 Auksis (LT) Auksis (LT)
01090 Orlovskoje polosatoje (LT) Orlovskoje polosatoje (LT)
01091 Isbranica (LT) Isbranica (LT)
01092 Sinap Orlovskij (LT) Sinap Orlovskij (LT)
01999 Varieties not elsewhere specified Varieties not elsewhere specified
02 Apple trees producing apples to be used exclusively for uses other than dessert apples (optional) Apple trees producing apples to be used exclusively for uses other than dessert apples (optional)
02001 Bramley's Seedling Bramley's Seedling
02999 Varieties not elsewhere specified Varieties not elsewhere specified
03 Pear trees producing dessert pears Pear trees producing dessert pears
03001 Gentile Bianca Gentile Bianca
03002 Coscia Coscia
03003 Butirra Precoce Morettini Butirra Precoce Morettini
03004 Spadoncina Spadoncina
03005 Jules Guyot/Limonera Jules Guyot/Limonera
03006 Santa Maria Morettini Santa Maria Morettini
03007 Spadona d'Estate Spadona d'Estate
03008 William's William's
03009 Clara Frijs Clara Frijs
03010 Clapp's Favourite Clapp's Favourite
03012 Triomphe de Vienne Triomphe de Vienne
03013 Alexandrine Douillard Alexandrine Douillard
03014 Beurré Hardy Beurré Hardy
03015 Durondeau Durondeau
03016 Légipont/Charneu Légipont/Charneu
03017 Louise Bonne d'Avranches Louise Bonne d'Avranches
03018 Abate Fetel Abate Fetel
03019 Conférence Conférence
03021 Kaiser Alexander Kaiser Alexander
03022 Doyenné du Comice Doyenné du Comice
03023 Passe Crassane Passe Crassane
03024 Alexandra Lucas Alexandra Lucas
03025 Decana d'Inverno Decana d'Inverno
03026 Packam's Triumph Packam's Triumph
03027 Epine du Mas Epine du Mas
03028 Madernassa Madernassa
03029 Butirra d'Estate Butirra d'Estate
03030 Curé Curé
03031 William's rouge William's rouge
03034 Krystalli Krystalli
03035 Blanquilla Blanquilla
03036 M.P. Morettini M.P. Morettini
03037 Ercolini Ercolini
03038 Rocha Rocha
03039 Kontoula Kontoula
03040 Général Leclerc Général Leclerc
03041 Roma Roma
03042 Concorde Concorde
03043 Castell Castell
03044 Max red Bartlett Max red Bartlett
03045 Flor de invierno Flor de invierno
03046 Devoe Devoe
03047 Highland Highland
03048 Groupe Nashi Groupe Nashi
03049 Double Philippe Double Philippe
03050 St Remy St Remy
03051 Etrusca Etrusca
03052 Tosca Tosca
03053 Harrow Sweet Harrow Sweet
03054 Precoce di Fiorano Precoce di Fiorano
03055 Rosada Rosada
03056 Boscs Flaschenbirne Boscs Flaschenbirne
03057 Beurré Diel Beurré Diel
03058 Glou Morceau Glou Morceau
03059 Kieffer Kieffer
03060 Bohemica Bohemica
03061 Dicolor Dicolor
03062 Erika Erika
03063 Grosdemange Grosdemange
03064 Lukasowka (PL) Lukasowka (PL)
03065 Alka (LT) Alka (LT)
03066 Alsa (LT) Alsa (LT)
03067 Mramornaja (LT) Mramornaja (LT)
03999 Varieties not elsewhere specified Varieties not elsewhere specified
04 Pear trees producing pears destined exclusively for uses other than dessert pears (optional) Pear trees producing pears destined exclusively for uses other than dessert pears (optional)
04001 Saint Rémy Saint Rémy
04002 Gieser Wildman Gieser Wildman
04999 Varieties not elsewhere specified Varieties not elsewhere specified
05 Peach trees producing white-flesh fruit Peach trees producing white-flesh fruit
05510 Groupe Springtime (earliness 1 or very early): Groupe Springtime (earliness 1 or very early):
05511 Springtime Springtime
05512 Mayflower Mayflower
05513 Morettini No 1 and 5/4 Morettini No 1 and 5/4
05519 Other Other
05530 Group Robin (earliness 2 and 3 or early): Group Robin (earliness 2 and 3 or early):
05531 Robin Robin
05532 Alexandra Alexandra
05533 Amsden Amsden
05534 Grezzano (Zorzi) Grezzano (Zorzi)
05535 Iris rosso Iris rosso
05539 Other Other
05540 Group Maria Bianca (earliness 4, 5 and 6 or season): Group Maria Bianca (earliness 4, 5 and 6 or season):
05541 Maria Bianca Maria Bianca
05542 Redwing Redwing
05543 Bella di Cesena Bella di Cesena
05544 Rosa del West Rosa del West
05549 Other Other
05550 Group Michelini (earliness 7 and 8 or late): Group Michelini (earliness 7 and 8 or late):
05551 Michelini et Impero Michelini et Impero
05552 Honey dew Hale Honey dew Hale
05553 Pieri 81 Pieri 81
05554 Duchessa D'Este Duchessa D'Este
05555 K2 K2
05556 Maria Delizia Maria Delizia
05559 Other Other
05560 Group Paraguya (earliness 9 and 10 or very late): Group Paraguya (earliness 9 and 10 or very late):
05561 Paraguya Paraguya
05569 Other Other
05570 Champion (HU) Champion (HU)
05700 Nectarines Nectarines
05710 Group Snow-Queen (earliness 2 and 3 or early): Group Snow-Queen (earliness 2 and 3 or early):
05711 Snow-Queen Snow-Queen
05712 Caldesi 2000 Caldesi 2000
05719 Other Other
05720 Group Silver Gem (earliness 4 and 5 or season): Group Silver Gem (earliness 4 and 5 or season):
05721 Silver Gem Silver Gem
05722 Queen Giant Queen Giant
05723 Caldesi 2010 Caldesi 2010
05729 Other Other
05730 Group Flavor Giant (earliness 6 and 7): Group Flavor Giant (earliness 6 and 7):
05731 Flavor Giant Flavor Giant
05732 Queen Ruby Queen Ruby
05739 Other Other
05740 Group September Queen (earliness > 7): Group September Queen (earliness > 7):
05741 September Queen September Queen
05742 Ruby Gem Ruby Gem
05743 Mid Silver Mid Silver
05749 Other Other
05750 Group Silver Star (earliness 7 and 8 or late): Group Silver Star (earliness 7 and 8 or late):
05751 Caldesi 2020 Caldesi 2020
05752 Silver star Silver star
05799 Other nectarines not specified Other nectarines not specified
05999 Varieties not elsewhere specified Varieties not elsewhere specified
06 Peach trees producing yellow-flesh fruit Peach trees producing yellow-flesh fruit
06510 Group Maycrest (earliness 1 or very early): Group Maycrest (earliness 1 or very early):
06511 Maycrest Maycrest
06512 Armgold Armgold
06519 Other Other
06520 Group Springcrest (earliness 2 or early): Group Springcrest (earliness 2 or early):
06521 Springcrest Springcrest
06522 Spring Lady Spring Lady
06523 Merrill Gem Free 1 Merrill Gem Free 1
06524 Royal Gem Royal Gem
06525 Royam Glory Royam Glory
06526 Springbelle (Bella di San Tomé) Springbelle (Bella di San Tomé)
06529 Other Other
06530 Group Cardinal (earliness 3 or early): Group Cardinal (earliness 3 or early):
06531 Cardinal Cardinal
06532 Dixired Dixired
06533 June Gold June Gold
06539 Other Other
06540 Group Redhaven (earliness 4 or season): Group Redhaven (earliness 4 or season):
06541 Redhaven Redhaven
06542 Sudanell Sudanell
06543 Maruja Maruja
06544 Royal Vee Royal Vee
06549 Other Other
06560 Group Glohaven (earliness 5 or season): Group Glohaven (earliness 5 or season):
06561 Glohaven Glohaven
06562 Redtop Redtop
06563 Fairhaven Fairhaven
06564 Elegant Lady Elegant Lady
06565 María Marta María Marta
06566 Rich Lady Rich Lady
06567 Sinphonie Sinphonie
06568 Triogam Triogam
06569 Other Other
06570 Group Cresthaven (earliness 6 and 7 or late): Group Cresthaven (earliness 6 and 7 or late):
06571 Cresthaven Cresthaven
06572 Andros Andros
06573 Loadel Loadel
06574 Suncrest Suncrest
06575 Vivian Vivian
06576 Merril Franciscan Merril Franciscan
06577 Loring Loring
06578 Dixon Dixon
06579 Other Other
06580 Group J.H. Hale (earliness 8, 9 and 10 or very late): Group J.H. Hale (earliness 8, 9 and 10 or very late):
06581 J.H. Hale J.H. Hale
06582 Tardio de Calanda Tardio de Calanda
06583 Elberta Elberta
06584 Fayette Fayette
06585 Roubidoux Roubidoux
06586 Padana Padana
06587 Roberta Barolo Roberta Barolo
06589 Other Other
06600 Group Pavie/Percoche: Group Pavie/Percoche:
06601 Fortuna Fortuna
06602 Klamt Klamt
06603 Caroline Caroline
06604 Vesuvio Vesuvio
06605 Babygold 5, 6 and 7 Babygold 5, 6 and 7
06606 Bowen Bowen
06607 Katherina Katherina
06608 Merriam Merriam
06609 Other Other
06610 Adriatica Adriatica
06611 Federica Federica
06612 Jungerman Jungerman
06613 Loadel Loadel
06614 Romea Romea
06615 Tebana Tebana
06700 Nectarines Nectarines
06710 Group Armking-Mayred (earliness 1 and 2 or very early): Group Armking-Mayred (earliness 1 and 2 or very early):
06711 Armking-Mayred Armking-Mayred
06719 Other Other
06720 Group Grimson-Maygrand (earliness 3 or early): Group Grimson-Maygrand (earliness 3 or early):
06721 Grimson-Maygrand Grimson-Maygrand
06722 Adriana Adriana
06723 Ambra Ambra
06724 Aurelio Grand Aurelio Grand
06725 Venus Venus
06729 Other Other
06730 Group Stark Red gold (earliness 4, 5 and 6 or season): Group Stark Red gold (earliness 4, 5 and 6 or season):
06731 Stark Red gold Stark Red gold
06732 Independance Independance
06733 Nectared Nectared
06734 Big Top Big Top
06735 Early Sungrand Early Sungrand
06736 Maria Carla Maria Carla
06739 Other Other
06740 Group Fantasia (earliness 7 and 8 or late): Group Fantasia (earliness 7 and 8 or late):
06741 Fantasia Fantasia
06742 Caldesi 84 Caldesi 84
06743 Morsiani 51 Morsiani 51
06744 Sweet Lady Sweet Lady
06745 Sweet Red Sweet Red
06746 Weinberger Weinberger
06749 Others Others
06750 Group Fairlane (earliness 9 and 10 or very late): Group Fairlane (earliness 9 and 10 or very late):
06751 Fairlane Fairlane
06759 Others Others
06999 Varieties not elsewhere specified Varieties not elsewhere specified
07 Peach trees producing fruit with flesh of another colour or a non-speci­fied colour Peach trees producing fruit with flesh of another colour or a non-speci­fied colour
07999 Varieties not elsewhere specified Varieties not elsewhere specified
08 Apricot trees Apricot trees
08001 Polonais Polonais
08002 Rouge du Roussillon Rouge du Roussillon
08003 Bergeron Bergeron
08004 Cafona Cafona
08005 Boccuccia Boccuccia
08006 Monaco Bello Monaco Bello
08007 Bebecou Bebecou
08009 Précoce de Tyrinthe Précoce de Tyrinthe
08010 Bulida Bulida
08011 Canino Canino
08012 Moniqui Moniqui
08014 Currot Currot
08015 Paviot Paviot
08018 Précoce d'Imola (Cremonini) Précoce d'Imola (Cremonini)
08019 S. Castrese S. Castrese
08020 Pepitos Pepitos
08021 Galta Rocha Galta Rocha
08022 Louisette Louisette
08023 Tadeo Tadeo
08024 Rojo del Medio Rojo del Medio
08025 Palabras Palabras
08026 Labertin No 1 Labertin No 1
08027 Jaubert Jaubert
08028 Real Fino Real Fino
08029 Orangered or NJA32 Orangered or NJA32
08030 Goldrich Goldrich
08031 Hargrand Hargrand
08032 Rouge de Fournes Rouge de Fournes
08033 Aurora Aurora
08034 Klosterneuburger/Ungarische Beste Klosterneuburger/Ungarische Beste
08035 Alba Alba
08036 Caldesi Caldesi
08037 Ceccona Ceccona
08038 Fracasso Fracasso
08039 Ninfa Ninfa
08040 Perla Perla
08041 Pisana Pisana
08042 Sabbatani Sabbatani
08043 Vitillo Vitillo
08044 Ceglédi Bíbor Ceglédi Bíbor
08045 Ceglédi óriás Ceglédi óriás
08046 Gönci magyar kajszi Gönci magyar kajszi
08047 Magyar kajszi Magyar kajszi
08048 Magyar kajszi C.235 Magyar kajszi C.235
08049 Pannónia Pannónia
08050 Szegedi mammut Szegedi mammut
08051 Karola Karola
08052 Velkopavlovická Velkopavlovická
08053 Veharda Veharda
08054 Mad'arská Mad'arská
08999 Varieties not elsewhere specified Varieties not elsewhere specified